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Japan Documents のハンドブックシリーズ


Andrea Germer and Ulrike Wöhr, 編)

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2025年01月, 363ページ


ISBN: 9784909286123


Editors: Andrea Germer and Ulrike Wöhr​

Andrea Germer is professor of Japanese studies at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. She has published on women’s history and movements, gender and animation, visual propaganda and fascism, including the co-edited volumes Gender, Nation and State in Modern Japan (2014), and Gendering Fascism (forthcoming 2025). 


Ulrike Wöhr​ teaches gender studies and Japanese studies at Hiroshima City University. Her research has focused on women’s history and on feminist movements and thought in modern and contemporary Japan, often applying a transnational framework. She has also published on German colonialist discourse on Japan, from a gender perspective.



Akibayashi Kozue, Doshisha University; Aoyama Kaoru, Kobe University; Elyssa Faison, University of Oklahoma; Andrea Germer, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf; Bettina Gramlich-Oka, Sophia University; Sally A. Hastings, Purdue University; Inoue Teruko (1942–2021), Wako University; Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, Nagoya University; Jung Yeonghae, independent researcher and activist; formerly Otsuma Women's University; Kaya Emiko, independent researcher and activist; Kimura Maki, University College London; Kimura Saeko, Tsuda University; Kitahara Megumi, Osaka University; Robin M. LeBlanc, Washington and Lee University; Claire Maree, University of Melbourne;  Forum Mithani, Cardiff University; Nakamura Momoko, Kanto Gakuin University; Nakanishi Yuko, Musashi University; Nakasatomi Hiroshi,  Osaka Electro-Communication University; Ochiai Emiko, Kyoto Sangyo University and Kyoto University; Ogawa Reiko, Chiba University; Ogino Miho, independent researcher, formerly Osaka University and Doshisha University; Okano Yayo, Doshisha University; Seo Akwi, Fukuoka Women’s University;  Setsu Shigematsu, University of California, Riverside; Mira Sonntag, Rikkyo University; Chelsea Szendi Schieder, Aoyama Gakuin University; Takaya Sachi, University of Tokyo; Takeda Hiroko, Nagoya University; Tanaka Hikaru, Meiji University; Kathleen Uno, Temple University; Anna-Viktoria Vittinghoff, University of Sheffield; Ulrike Wöhr, Hiroshima City University; Yamada Kazuyo, Shiga University; Tomomi Yamaguchi, Montana State University.

Table of Contents 目次  

(Editors, Andrea Germer and Ulrike Wöhr, 編)

​Introduction to Feminisms in Japan (Andrea Germer and Ulrike Wöhr)

Chapter 1 Academia: Gender Studies, Women’s Studies and Feminist Movements (Inoue Teruko and Kaya Emiko)

Chapter 2 Anarchism: Feminist Confrontations with Patriarchy and the State (Tanaka Hikaru)  

Chapter 3 Antifeminism: A Trajectory of Mockery, Denial and Fake Equality (Tomomi Yamaguchi)

Chapter 4 Art: Feminist Interventions in Theory and Practice (Kitahara Megumi, translated by Andrew Maerkle)

Chapter 5 Care: From the Gender Division of Labor to a Feminist Ethics of Care (Okano Yayo)

Chapter 6 Disability: Feminist Challenges to Eugenics and the Emergence of Disabled Women’s Voices (Anna-Viktoria Vittinghoff)

Chapter 7 Ecology: Feminist Contentions Surrounding “Women’s Logic” and Women’s Complicity (Ulrike Wöhr)

Chapter 8 Education: Feminists Promoting Educational Change and Resisting the Gender Backlash (Nakanishi Yuko)

Chapter 9 Ethnicity: Liberation Movements of Korean Women in Japan and the Discovery of Intersectional Feminism (Seo Akwi)

Chapter 10 The Family and Marriage: The Modern Japanese Trajectory and the Roles of Feminist Movements (Ochiai Emiko)

Chapter 11 Futures: Possibilities and Pitfalls for Feminism as an Ongoing Political Project (Chelsea Szendi Schieder)

Chapter 12 History: Feminist Negotiations of Female Subjecthood and Cultural Identity (Andrea Germer)

Chapter 13 Housewives: Gendered Identity as a Feminist Claim on Democratic Community (Robin M. LeBlanc)

Chapter 14 Language: Feminist Challenges to Linguistic Sexism and Heterosexism (Nakamura Momoko)  

Chapter 15 LGBTIQ: Inclusion and Exclusion within Feminisms (Claire Maree)

Chapter 16 Liberalism: Liberal Feminism and Women’s Quest for Full Citizenship (Sally A. Hastings)

Chapter 17 Literary Criticism: Feminist Theory in Classical Japanese Literary Studies (Kimura Saeko)

Chapter 18 Literature: Feminist Bodies of Fiction (Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt)  

Chapter 19 Maternalism: Transmutations of Motherhood in Feminist Thought and Activism (Kathleen Uno)

Chapter 20 Media: Feminist Strategies to Affect Change in Mass Media Advertising (Forum Mithani)

Chapter 21 Migration: Feminist Perspectives on the Stagnation of “The Lost Thirty Years” (Takaya Sachi)  

Chapter 22 Peace Movements and Anti-Militarism: Feminists Organizing for Gender Equality and Against War (Akibayashi Kozue)

Chapter 23 Pornography: From Radical Feminist Critique to Organized Victim Support (Nakasatomi Hiroshi)

Chapter 24 Prostitution and Sex Work: Competing Feminist Perspectives on Exploitation and Agency (Kaoru Aoyama) 

Chapter 25 Protofeminism: Negotiating the Gender Order of Tokugawa Japan (Bettina Gramlich-Oka)

Chapter 26 Radical Feminisms: Rising Up Within and Against the Japanese Context (Setsu Shigematsu)

Chapter 27 Religion: Feminist Solidarity Beyond Denominational and Confessional Boundaries (Mira Sonntag)

Chapter 28 Reproduction: The Feminist Reproductive Rights Movement and the Lingering Shadow of the Eugenic Protection Act (Ogino Miho)

Chapter 29 Sexual Slavery: Feminist Responses to Japan’s System of Military “Comfort Women” (Maki Kimura)

Chapter 30 Sexual Violence: Shifting Conceptions, with Feminism and Beyond (Jung Yeonghae)

Chapter 31 Socialism and Marxism: Feminist Critique of Women’s Labor under Capitalism (Elyssa Faison)

Chapter 32 The State: Feminists’ Theoretical and Practical Engagement (Takeda Hiroko)

Chapter 33 Transnational Movements: Leveraging International Standards and Decolonizing Feminism (Ogawa Reiko) Chapter 34 Ūman Ribu: The 1970s Women’s Liberation Movement (Setsu Shigematsu)

Chapter 35 Work: Feminist Challenges to the Employment System and the Underlying Gender Division of Labor (Yamada Kazuyo)

Appendix1: Japanese Laws and Policy Plans

Appendix 2: Exhibitions on Feminist Art and Women Artists


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