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Japan Documents のハンドブックシリーズ


日本のキリスト教作家ハンドブック(Editors: Mark William, Van C. Gessel, and Yamane Michihiro)

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ISBN: 978-4-909286-10-9


日本におけるキリスト教への改宗は150 年かけて人口のわずか1%ほどにとどまっています。一方で洗礼を受けた、あるいはキリスト教の教えに大いに影響を受けた作家の割合は、それよりはるかに高いと言えます。




Michael Brownstein,  University of Notre Dame;  Kevin M. Doak, Georgetown University; Philip Gabriel, University of Arizona; Van C. Gessel, Professor Emeritus, Brigham Young University; Anthony HaynesIrina Holca, University of Tokyo;

Imai Mari, Literary critic; Miyasaka Satoru, Professor Emeritus, Ferris Unniversity; 

Leith Morton, Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Nagahama Takuma, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies; Ryota Sakurai, PhD student, International Christian University; Sekino Miho, Toho Junior and Senior High School; 

Massimiliano Tomasi, Western Washington University; Mark Williams, International Christian University; Yamane Ibuki, PhD candidate, the University of Tokyo;

Yamane Michihiro, Notre Dame Seishin Women’s University


Mark Williams, Van C. Gessel, and Yamane Michihiro

Mark Williams is Vice President at International Christian University in Tokyo. Until 2017, he was Professor of Japanese Studies and Chair of the School of Modern Languages at the University of Leeds, UK. He is the translator of two novels by Endō Shūsaku. In 2017, he received a Commendation from the Foreign Minister of Japan..



Van C. Gessel is Professor Emeritus of Japanese at Brigham Young University. He has translated eight literary works by Endō Shūsaku. He was literary consultant for Martin Scorsese during the production of the film adaptation of Endō’s Chinmoku (Silence). In 2018 he was inducted into the Order of the Rising Sun by the Japanese emperor.

Yamane Michihiro is Professor at Notre Dame Seishin Women’s University. He has published widely on Endō Shūsaku, Yagi Jūkichi, Akutagawa Ryūnosuke, Miyazawa Kenji, and others. He was closely involved in the publication of the 15-volume Collected Works of Endō Shūsaku and was in charge of editing the 11-volume Selected Works of Inoue Yōji

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