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注釈付き日本国憲法-ハンドブック 目次
(Colin P.A. Jones, editor)
Preface (Colin P.A. Jones);
Introduction: Historical Overview (Colin P.A. Jones);
1. The Preamble (Colin P.A. Jones) and Chapter I: The Emperor (Articles 1-8) (Colin P.A. Jones);
2. Chapter II: Renunciation of War (Article 9) (Colin P.A. Jones);
3. Chapter III: Rights and Duties of the People (Articles 10-40) (Toru Enoki, Mari Hirayama, Colin P.A. Jones, Mark Levin, Shigenori Matsui, Tetsuji Matsumoto, Sean McGinty, Kayoko Oshima, Frank S. Ravitch, Yuichiro Tsuji);
4. Chapter IV: The Diet (Articles 41-64) (Koji Higashikawa);
5. Chapter V: The Cabinet (Articles 65-75) (Colin P.A. Jones);
6. Chapter VI: The Judiciary (Articles 76-82) (Giorgio Fabio Colombo, Mari Hirayama, Mark Levin);
7. Chapter VII: Finance (Articles 83-91) (Frank S. Ravitch, Yuichiro Tsuji);
8. Chapter VIII: Local Self Government (Articles 92-95) (Toru Enoki);
9. Chapter IX: Amendments (Article 96) (Tetsuji Matsumoto);
10. Chapter X: Supreme Law (Articles 97-99) (Andrea Ortolani);
11. Chapter XI: Supplementary Provisions (Articles 100-103) (Colin P.A. Jones);
Appendix 1: Constitution of the Empire of Japan (Japanese);
Appendix 2: Constitution of the Empire of Japan (English translation);
Appendix 3: The Potsdam Declaration;
Appendix 4: Instrument of Surrender;
Appendix 5: The “MacArthur Notes”;
Appendix 6: The GHQ Draft;
Appendix 7: The Constitution of Japan (Japanese);
Appendix 8: The Treaty of San Francisco;
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